Installing a Type 1 font#

Once you have a prepared Type 1 font, either direct from CTAN or the like, or having « prepared » it yourself, you can get on with installation.

The procedure is merely an extension of that for packages, etc., so much of what follows will be familiar :

  • Install the files, in your local texmf tree (the advice about installing non-standard things applies here, too). The following list gives reasonable destinations for the various files related to a font family ⟨fname⟩ :



.pfb, .pfa






.sty, .fd




but if you are lucky, you will be starting from a distribution from CTAN and there is a corresponding file : using this TDS-file saves the bother of deciding where to put your files in the TDS tree.

  • Regenerate the file indexes (as described in package installation) :

  • Update the maps for dvips, pdfand others :

On any current Live-based system, or a v3.0 system, execute the command

updmap-sys --enable Map ⟨fname⟩.map

as root. (If you can use updmap-sys — do; if not — presumably because your system was set up by someone else — you have to fall back on plain updmap, but be aware that it’s a potent source of confusion, setting up map sets that might be changed behind your back.)

On a current MiKsystem, update the system file updmap.cfg, using the shell command

initexmf --edit-config-file updmap

adding a line at the end :

Map ⟨fname⟩.map

for each font family ⟨fname⟩ you are adding to the system. Now generate revised maps with the shell command

initexmf --mkmaps

This, and other matters, are described in MiK« advanced documentation.

Both processes (preparing and installing a font) are very well (and thoroughly) described in Philipp Lehman’s guide to font installation.